Three Fantastic Modern Caravans
This is the third post in a series on vehicles that are packed with modern features. The first one was on cars and the second was on motorbikes. This time, it’s caravans.
Nothing beats a good camping trip, whether it’s just for a weekend or for several weeks, and there are some great places to take a caravan. You will also find the dream of caravan ownership isn’t out of reach and that surprisingly affordable caravan finance is available through many lenders. The hard part is making sure that nothing goes awry and that despite all the exertion and exposure that go along with a long stint outdoors, at the end of a tiring day, you’ve got something to eat and somewhere to sleep. What better way to accomplish that than by staying in a caravan? If you haven’t already thought deeply about one, you’d probably like somewhere to start, so let’s look at three fantastic modern caravan options that are really worth it.
Olympic Pursuit Z3
The Z3 is one of the larger single-axle caravan options out there, featuring a full-width bathroom and a fairly spacious bedroom—a rarity in its class. While it’s not large — only 5.4 metres long — the Z3 only weighs 1750kg and includes plenty of amenities like a shower, four-burner cooking range and a flat screen television set. For those of us who love comfort even deep in the outback and can’t haul a multi-axle monstrosity, the Olympic Pursuit Z3 might be your best bet. While floor space is limited, Olympic installed as much storage space as possible and devised a surprisingly efficient floor plan so that you won’t be worrying about cluttering up your space.
Conqueror UEV-360
Space efficiency is what really sets the UEV-360 apart. Like other models from this manufacturer, this tent caravan is adapted from Conqueror’s military designs. The UEV-360’s top unfolds into a large canvas tent, while the carriage opens into several storage spaces and even includes power packs, water tanks, and spaces for gas tanks and jerry cans so you can keep your cooking gear secure. Tent caravans are much cheaper than even their larger single-axle brethren, making this an especially good option if you only need to house one or two people.
Spinifex NomadiX
If you’ve got a vehicle that can pull a lot of weight and want a nice place to go back to after a good, hard day outdoors, the two-axle NomadiX can’t do you wrong. One thing you’ll notice right away inside of one is how much light it lets in. Spinifex put as many windows as they could into this caravan—and part of the reason you’re out there is for the view, right? The NomadiX has a fully kitted out kitchen with a full-size refrigerator, cooking range, and even a washing machine in the bathroom. The bedroom in the rear includes windows on all three exterior walls and plenty of space for two people. If you’re looking for a romantic getaway, consider this one.
There are so many different kinds of caravans that there’s no way to touch on all of them in one short post. If you’ve seen something here that you like, we encourage you to jump down the rabbit hole and look for more caravans like it. Once you’ve decided, come to us at 360 Finance to work out your caravan finance options, and we’ll get you driving one of these beauties to the outback in record time.